How to run the world like Beyonce, with Shana Mooyman!

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Shana Mooyman…what an absolute legend. How do you run the world like Beyonce? BE LIKE SHANA MOOYMAN! This interview flowed so well that we could’ve kept talking for a lot longer, and the best part is Shana and I haven’t even met yet! Our goals are similar, our drives are relentless, and that’s exactly why this interview was so awesome. Shana is about to take the film industry by storm, but that’s the first on her list of many goals to kick and things to accomplish.

During our interview, what I particularly enjoyed was how similar our goals were. Other than wanting to become a Bollywood actor some day (Shana’s promised to put me in her next film!), we both have a passion for film, and an even bigger passion for helping those in need. The whole point of life, to me, is to give back to people that need a little push in the right direction, (or a stab in the right direction, if you will). What Shana’s doing with influencing women across Australia is remarkable on its own. Shana’s drive, passion and strength of purpose will take her to the next level, and I have absolutely no doubt in that!

If you can’t tell already, Shana is definitely a ‘people person.’ She has the ability to create relationships and bonds with virtually anyone, and that’s a great trait to have. In my experience, becoming a people person doesn’t necessarily mean you always possessed the abilities to start a conversation, or spark a connection right away. Usually, it’s linked to some hardship at a younger age, and Shana touched on that piece towards the end of the interview. Her personality and drive came from her Mom, and I’d say her Mom has done one hell of a job!

Here are some of the key points I learned from my interview with Shana:

  1. Set BIG goals, and do whatever it takes to achieve them- Shana touched on the fact that she set some big goals when she was younger. Shana knows that she will become a multi-millionaire, she knows the steps that she must take, and she also knows what she has to sacrifice to hit her goals. Nothing is wrong with setting big goals. What’s wrong is if you don’t try your hardest to achieve it.
  2. You can be the best of multiple worlds- Shana is the BEST example of this. Not only is Shana in the mining industry, but she’s also dominating the make-up industry AND the film industry AND getting into public speaking AND probably a bunch of different things that I missed! Shana’s message to everyone is to put your heart and soul into what you envision, and things will start to happen. Soon that vision will become a reality. As you can see, everything is quickly unfolding for Shana because she’s made the sacrifices and put in the time.
  3. Put positive vibes out to the universe- No matter what you do, no matter who you talk to, be positive, and your vibes will travel. Shana touched on the haters out there, and she mentioned that it’s a good reminder of why you’re trying to do things different from them. Keep positive, spread love and it will come right back to you.

If you’d like to contact Shana, please do so on the social media tags below!

Facebook: Shana Mooyman

Instagram: shanalouisebeauty
