Blog and News

Conquer Fear of Public Speaking | Overcome Fear of Public Speaking Unleashing the Power of Confident Communication with SpeakerStreet (4/29/2024) - Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your voice and presence? SpeakerStreet invites individuals and organizations to embark on a transformative journey towards mastering confident communication. Led by the experienced communication professional Shiv Radhakishun, SpeakerStreet's flagship course, 'Communicate with Confidence,' offers a comprehensive approach to overcoming fears and challenges associated with public speaking. At the heart of SpeakerStreet's mission lies the belief that effective communication is not merely about delivering words; it's about forging authentic connections that resonate deeply with audiences. Whether it's the daunting prospect of addressing a crowd, the desire to refine presentation skills, or the…         ...Read More
Want to set yourself up for success? Don’t just find one mentor. Find many. (4/9/2024) - When I was early in career, I was told to find a single mentor that would guide me to nirvana – someone who would guide my professional career and help mould me into a sales jedi. After a few years of very good mentorship, I still found that I was missing something – and I slowly realised that I was sold a lie. Here’s the truth: having a single mentor is better than none, but having many mentors means you have a collection of skills, experiences and strengths to pull from. Imagine your career as a sprawling Lego masterpiece – not…         ...Read More
Public Speaking Online Training Course Public Speaking: Scary or Sexy? (3/15/2024) - We’ve all been there. Elevated heart rates, sweaty palms, loss of words and shivers down our spine. When those two words (public speaking) are uttered, chaos arises in our minds. But what if public speaking could be sexy, rather than scary? It’s said that public speaking is the most common phobia ahead of death, and most of us have probably felt the immense pressure of being put in the spotlight before we step on stage or speak in front of others. It’s important to understand why this fear exists within us so we can paint a full picture of how…         ...Read More
The ‘Why’ – SpeakerStreet’s Mission (3/8/2024) - ‘To empower people to communicate confidently - anytime, anywhere.’ I’ve thought long and hard about simplifying the mission, and with the help of some friends at The Stitch Agency, we finally got there. SpeakerStreet's mission is to help everyone in our path communicate to their best ability and continue to learn the art of communication – because that’s exactly what it is – an art that needs to be practised every single day. Do you remember how you felt when you were presenting and you felt like you didn’t deliver? Do you remember the feeling of those clammy hands, racing…         ...Read More
Mindfulness without the woo, with Mirosuna’s Sally Kellet! (3/20/2019) - Do me a favour and google ‘mindfulness.’ You’ll notice a few things here. Firstly, you’ll notice that the word ‘mindfulness’ has plenty of definitions. Secondly, you’ll notice that there is a list of techniques to achieve mindfulness. So why would this one word have multiple definitions? The answer is easy: Mindfulness can mean so many different things to so many different people, with varied techniques to achieve it. If I look at what mindfulness means to me, the definition changes quite frequently, but my definition has solidified after sitting down with Sally Kellet of Mirosuna. What does mindfulness mean to…         ...Read More
Becoming a Leader Without Having a Leadership Title (1/14/2018) - This is a topic that I’ve often been asked about and is something that sparks my attention. How does one become a leader without having a leadership title? Why would you try to be an influencer if you’re not a manager or director or C-Level? Those are some of the limiting questions I used to have, but I’ve quickly realized in my few years in the tech industry that it doesn’t only take the job title to lead, but it takes the right person with the right leadership traits. Oh, and by the way, these traits can be learned #Bonus…         ...Read More
The importance of being a ‘Damn Good’ person, with (Super) Mario Simon (1/14/2018) - In today's world, one can be convinced that the world is a dark and stormy place. Sometimes, the people that we encounter aren't necessarily the nicest people the world has to offer. Imagine having these encounters on a day-to-day basis, it would suck! But once in a while, out of the many that we encounter every day, there's always that one person that you can remember for their unquestionable authenticity and their kindness. Mario Simon is someone who stood out to me when we first met, and it was his undeniable passion for his business that spoke volumes. Mario Simon,…         ...Read More
How to empower women in a digital world, with Holly Tattersall (1/14/2018) - Once in a while, there’s always that someone who appears out of the clouds to make a pretty huge impact on society. Once in a while, that person changes a few lives and sets precedents for the future. And once in a while, that person literally transforms the rulebook to make a difference in people’s lives. That person is Holly Tattersall, CEO of Women in Digital. Talk about a game changer! Holly is kicking goals one step at a time, and she’s moving quickly. My interview with Holly was awesome, and I have to say that I learned so much…         ...Read More
Be present and stay present, with Andrea West! (1/14/2018) - One of the issues that I have when it comes to my work and career is the ability to disconnect. How does one do so? Sometimes with your job, you’re so involved, mentally, that you can let it dictate your life. I sometimes find myself being stressed out on a Saturday for something that didn’t even happen yet. Does anyone else feel this way?! My interview with Andi was a great punch in the gut. She singlehandedly made me realise how to switch into a lower gear, and made me realise the absolute importance of ‘unplugging’ Andrea West, the founder…         ...Read More
Getting your ACT together, with Dave Beamish! (11/17/2017) - Beamish, Beamish, Beamish---A name I wouldn't forget! I had the upmost pleasure of meeting Mr. Dave Beamish at a conference, and let me tell you---when he had the mic, he OWNED the room. I remember sitting in the front row (keener over here) and Aaron Sansoni, one of my mentors, was on stage asking for people to share. A hand shot up right behind me, and Dave took the mic. I remember him talking about the importance of time and how he's dedicated his life to help people get time back in there day. Who wouldn't sign up to that?…         ...Read More
Living the globetrotter dream, with Adrian Nicholls (10/29/2017) - Have you ever wanted to pick yourself up, pack a bag or two and hop on a few random flights around the world? Sounds impractical, doesn't it? Not for Adrian Nicholls. There's a sign of admiration when I think of what Adrian has done in his life, and that was leaving what he felt comfortable with, leaving his 'safe-zone' and travelling the world just because he wanted to. Growing up, I told myself the same thing over and over again; that it would be 'nice' to travel the world, it would be 'cool' to do so, but unfortunately, I can't.…         ...Read More
The World’s Biggest Heart, with Yasmin Grigaliunas! (10/15/2017) - A hero is defined as a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities (thank you Google!). My definition of a hero is something similar. A hero, defined by yours truly, is someone who puts their own interests, their own assets and their time aside to help those individuals in need of some sort of help, whether it's their safety, putting a shelter over their head, or even clothes on their back. In today's world, with everything going on from natural disasters, to hate crimes, to the growing number of children in need of a…         ...Read More
Calm is a Super Power! (10/2/2017) - A powerhouse is defined as a person or thing of great energy, strength or power. Someone with a drive that will outweigh anyone's around them, and someone who will also lead a team of like-minded individuals to victory. If you had a chance to listen to my interview with Luke Power, you'd know that a 'powerhouse' is an understatement when defining Luke. As I sit here reminiscing about my interview with Luke, there are multiple lessons running through my head, which I will summarise at the end of this post. I had a great time interviewing Luke, and an even…         ...Read More
How to run the world like Beyonce, with Shana Mooyman! (9/20/2017) - Shana Mooyman...what an absolute legend. How do you run the world like Beyonce? BE LIKE SHANA MOOYMAN! This interview flowed so well that we could've kept talking for a lot longer, and the best part is Shana and I haven't even met yet! Our goals are similar, our drives are relentless, and that's exactly why this interview was so awesome. Shana is about to take the film industry by storm, but that's the first on her list of many goals to kick and things to accomplish. During our interview, what I particularly enjoyed was how similar our goals were. Other…         ...Read More
How to optimise your health and performance, with a touch of seduction! (9/20/2017) - In this episode, we get to meet Predrag Alvanja, who's also known as Pedj. Pedj has created a company called Secret2Living where he teaches men, in particular, how to perform at their best. Whether they are at the gym, at work or even at the bar, Pedj helps them create relationships through the art of seduction! This company was created to with the sole purpose of helping men create, develop and maintain relationships, and I'd say Pedj has had a pretty good success rate. Pedj not only helps men with their relationships, he helps them obtain the best version of…         ...Read More
The story behind the smile, with Bassam Khoreich (9/14/2017) - Meet Bassam Khoreich, a man with one of the biggest smiles that I've seen. Before getting to know Bassam's story, I would've thought he was the happiest man alive. His smile tells a thousand stories, but I would have never guessed the hardship Bassam and his family had to face. Bassam is one of the most positive people that I've met, and that is exactly why I had to share his story. I remember sitting in a room interview Bassam. He was talking about the day he lost his son, and what was going through his head. I remember struggling…         ...Read More
A BRAND new you! With InStitchu’s co-founder, Robin McGowan! (9/13/2017) - Personal branding is an ongoing process. It's something that stays in the mind of individuals for days, weeks, months or even years. It's always important to make a good, first impression on individuals right from the get-go, and Robin McGowan is a man that can win over a room full of people as soon as he steps in. There's one word to describe Robin, and that word is STYLE. Here's the quick back-story of how I was introduced to Robin. When I moved to Australia, I noticed that everyone in my office was dressed to the tee. It was like…         ...Read More
How to feel amazing from the inside, with Jamie Totino of Real Food Vending! (9/12/2017) - Jamie, Jamie, Jamie...If I could pick someone that I've met in the past few months that is literally going to make it, Jamie would probably be one of the first names to come to mind. His drive, his momentum, his tenacity and his core values are enough to motivate anyone to follow their dreams. Jamie's story is one that resonated with me. I rarely use the term 'regular' but Jamie grew up as a regular kid, just like me. There was no special treatment, there were no silver spoon, and there were really no easy roads to take. Everything was…         ...Read More
Be You, Be Phenomenal! (9/12/2017) - I really don't know what to say about this guy other than the fact that he's an absolute legend! In this episode, we met with Gee Tenn, AKA Mr. Phenomenal himself. I had a blast sitting down with Gee and listening to his story. Gee's story not only made me realise how hard he worked to build the foundation he's built today, but it also made me realise that we can do anything we put our mind to...and that's a fact. Gee is a successful entrepreneur, life coach and a mentor to many---including myself. But where did Gee's drive come…         ...Read More
Dealing with the death of a brother and how to stay positive, with Roshan Karu (9/11/2017) - This was definitely a tough interview for me. I had the chance to sit down with a good friend of mine, Roshan Karu, who recently lost his brother to testicular cancer. What everyone needs to know is that Roshan is probably one of the strongest people that I know---both physically and mentally. Physically because he's a boxer that packs a damn punch, and mentally because he's such a positive soul. Roshan and I had the pleasure of meeting my first week in Sydney. We met through my flatmate, and have been friends since. I always say that you should keep…         ...Read More
From Skin and Bone to Muscle and Toned (9/10/2017) - Juicy, Juicy, Juicy---at least that's what I call him, along with quite a few of my co-workers! In this episode, we get to meet Yousif Oraha, one of my friends that can probably crush my head with one hand but is too nice to do so! Yousif shares his story of going from the skinny kid in high school to now competing in multiple body building contests across Australia. This interview was definitely interesting, especially to me. Here we have Yousif that struggled from being the skinny kid in class that just couldn't gain weight. Interviewing him was a guy…         ...Read More
An interview with the real life Wonder Woman! (9/8/2017) - Now, this particular interview was definitely one of my favourites. In this episode, we got to meet with Crystal Benson, a true entrepreneur at heart, and a kick-ass human being! Crystal is not only a serial entrepreneur, but an amazing person with some real core values behind her. When I sat down with Crystal for the interview, we had nothing planned. As a matter of fact, we met for brunch with no intention of podcasting. BUT you mix a little of her personality with mine, and goals begin to get kicked! We ended up chatting over brunch and decided that…         ...Read More
Alex Boggie – A Real ‘Stand-Up’ Guy! (7/19/2017) - I had the pleasure of meeting Alex my first week or two of moving to Sydney. Over the past year, we've developed a pretty good friendship! Alex, to me, is someone that really belongs everywhere! He can spark up a conversation with almost anyone, and humour is a big part of his game, hence I wanted Alex on the podcast show. One of my favourite parts about this particular episode was the topic about the importance of laughter. Now, here's where I was coming from. I see laughter as a medicine, and that's because I use it as a medicine.…         ...Read More
A First for Everything (6/20/2017) - Welcome to my very first blog post! Wow, after months of talking about it, it's finally here. The Shiv Show podcast and The Shiv Show blog has officially been launched! I'm #blessed and I can feel it! I won't repeat who I am or what my story is (because you can read the 'My Story' section on, but I will take a few seconds to tell you why I've started this podcast. To be completely honest, I personally find motivation when I listen to other peoples' stories. When they talk about their trials and tribulations, their challenges, and the…         ...Read More

Blog and News

Conquer Fear of Public Speaking | Overcome Fear of Public Speaking Unleashing the Power of Confident Communication with SpeakerStreet (4/29/2024) - Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your voice and presence? SpeakerStreet invites individuals and organizations to embark on a transformative journey towards mastering confident communication. Led by the experienced communication professional Shiv Radhakishun, SpeakerStreet's flagship course, 'Communicate with Confidence,' offers a comprehensive approach to overcoming fears and challenges associated with public speaking. At the heart of SpeakerStreet's…         ...Read More
Want to set yourself up for success? Don’t just find one mentor. Find many. (4/9/2024) - When I was early in career, I was told to find a single mentor that would guide me to nirvana – someone who would guide my professional career and help mould me into a sales jedi. After a few years of very good mentorship, I still found that I was missing something – and I slowly realised that I was…         ...Read More
Public Speaking Online Training Course Public Speaking: Scary or Sexy? (3/15/2024) - We’ve all been there. Elevated heart rates, sweaty palms, loss of words and shivers down our spine. When those two words (public speaking) are uttered, chaos arises in our minds. But what if public speaking could be sexy, rather than scary? It’s said that public speaking is the most common phobia ahead of death, and most of us have probably…         ...Read More
The ‘Why’ – SpeakerStreet’s Mission (3/8/2024) - ‘To empower people to communicate confidently - anytime, anywhere.’ I’ve thought long and hard about simplifying the mission, and with the help of some friends at The Stitch Agency, we finally got there. SpeakerStreet's mission is to help everyone in our path communicate to their best ability and continue to learn the art of communication – because that’s exactly what…         ...Read More
Mindfulness without the woo, with Mirosuna’s Sally Kellet! (3/20/2019) - Do me a favour and google ‘mindfulness.’ You’ll notice a few things here. Firstly, you’ll notice that the word ‘mindfulness’ has plenty of definitions. Secondly, you’ll notice that there is a list of techniques to achieve mindfulness. So why would this one word have multiple definitions? The answer is easy: Mindfulness can mean so many different things to so many…         ...Read More
Becoming a Leader Without Having a Leadership Title (1/14/2018) - This is a topic that I’ve often been asked about and is something that sparks my attention. How does one become a leader without having a leadership title? Why would you try to be an influencer if you’re not a manager or director or C-Level? Those are some of the limiting questions I used to have, but I’ve quickly realized…         ...Read More
The importance of being a ‘Damn Good’ person, with (Super) Mario Simon (1/14/2018) - In today's world, one can be convinced that the world is a dark and stormy place. Sometimes, the people that we encounter aren't necessarily the nicest people the world has to offer. Imagine having these encounters on a day-to-day basis, it would suck! But once in a while, out of the many that we encounter every day, there's always that…         ...Read More
How to empower women in a digital world, with Holly Tattersall (1/14/2018) - Once in a while, there’s always that someone who appears out of the clouds to make a pretty huge impact on society. Once in a while, that person changes a few lives and sets precedents for the future. And once in a while, that person literally transforms the rulebook to make a difference in people’s lives. That person is Holly…         ...Read More
Be present and stay present, with Andrea West! (1/14/2018) - One of the issues that I have when it comes to my work and career is the ability to disconnect. How does one do so? Sometimes with your job, you’re so involved, mentally, that you can let it dictate your life. I sometimes find myself being stressed out on a Saturday for something that didn’t even happen yet. Does anyone…         ...Read More
Getting your ACT together, with Dave Beamish! (11/17/2017) - Beamish, Beamish, Beamish---A name I wouldn't forget! I had the upmost pleasure of meeting Mr. Dave Beamish at a conference, and let me tell you---when he had the mic, he OWNED the room. I remember sitting in the front row (keener over here) and Aaron Sansoni, one of my mentors, was on stage asking for people to share. A hand…         ...Read More
Living the globetrotter dream, with Adrian Nicholls (10/29/2017) - Have you ever wanted to pick yourself up, pack a bag or two and hop on a few random flights around the world? Sounds impractical, doesn't it? Not for Adrian Nicholls. There's a sign of admiration when I think of what Adrian has done in his life, and that was leaving what he felt comfortable with, leaving his 'safe-zone' and…         ...Read More
The World’s Biggest Heart, with Yasmin Grigaliunas! (10/15/2017) - A hero is defined as a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities (thank you Google!). My definition of a hero is something similar. A hero, defined by yours truly, is someone who puts their own interests, their own assets and their time aside to help those individuals in need of some sort of…         ...Read More
Calm is a Super Power! (10/2/2017) - A powerhouse is defined as a person or thing of great energy, strength or power. Someone with a drive that will outweigh anyone's around them, and someone who will also lead a team of like-minded individuals to victory. If you had a chance to listen to my interview with Luke Power, you'd know that a 'powerhouse' is an understatement when…         ...Read More
How to run the world like Beyonce, with Shana Mooyman! (9/20/2017) - Shana Mooyman...what an absolute legend. How do you run the world like Beyonce? BE LIKE SHANA MOOYMAN! This interview flowed so well that we could've kept talking for a lot longer, and the best part is Shana and I haven't even met yet! Our goals are similar, our drives are relentless, and that's exactly why this interview was so awesome.…         ...Read More
How to optimise your health and performance, with a touch of seduction! (9/20/2017) - In this episode, we get to meet Predrag Alvanja, who's also known as Pedj. Pedj has created a company called Secret2Living where he teaches men, in particular, how to perform at their best. Whether they are at the gym, at work or even at the bar, Pedj helps them create relationships through the art of seduction! This company was created…         ...Read More
The story behind the smile, with Bassam Khoreich (9/14/2017) - Meet Bassam Khoreich, a man with one of the biggest smiles that I've seen. Before getting to know Bassam's story, I would've thought he was the happiest man alive. His smile tells a thousand stories, but I would have never guessed the hardship Bassam and his family had to face. Bassam is one of the most positive people that I've…         ...Read More
A BRAND new you! With InStitchu’s co-founder, Robin McGowan! (9/13/2017) - Personal branding is an ongoing process. It's something that stays in the mind of individuals for days, weeks, months or even years. It's always important to make a good, first impression on individuals right from the get-go, and Robin McGowan is a man that can win over a room full of people as soon as he steps in. There's one…         ...Read More
How to feel amazing from the inside, with Jamie Totino of Real Food Vending! (9/12/2017) - Jamie, Jamie, Jamie...If I could pick someone that I've met in the past few months that is literally going to make it, Jamie would probably be one of the first names to come to mind. His drive, his momentum, his tenacity and his core values are enough to motivate anyone to follow their dreams. Jamie's story is one that resonated…         ...Read More
Be You, Be Phenomenal! (9/12/2017) - I really don't know what to say about this guy other than the fact that he's an absolute legend! In this episode, we met with Gee Tenn, AKA Mr. Phenomenal himself. I had a blast sitting down with Gee and listening to his story. Gee's story not only made me realise how hard he worked to build the foundation he's…         ...Read More
Dealing with the death of a brother and how to stay positive, with Roshan Karu (9/11/2017) - This was definitely a tough interview for me. I had the chance to sit down with a good friend of mine, Roshan Karu, who recently lost his brother to testicular cancer. What everyone needs to know is that Roshan is probably one of the strongest people that I know---both physically and mentally. Physically because he's a boxer that packs a…         ...Read More
From Skin and Bone to Muscle and Toned (9/10/2017) - Juicy, Juicy, Juicy---at least that's what I call him, along with quite a few of my co-workers! In this episode, we get to meet Yousif Oraha, one of my friends that can probably crush my head with one hand but is too nice to do so! Yousif shares his story of going from the skinny kid in high school to…         ...Read More
An interview with the real life Wonder Woman! (9/8/2017) - Now, this particular interview was definitely one of my favourites. In this episode, we got to meet with Crystal Benson, a true entrepreneur at heart, and a kick-ass human being! Crystal is not only a serial entrepreneur, but an amazing person with some real core values behind her. When I sat down with Crystal for the interview, we had nothing…         ...Read More
Alex Boggie – A Real ‘Stand-Up’ Guy! (7/19/2017) - I had the pleasure of meeting Alex my first week or two of moving to Sydney. Over the past year, we've developed a pretty good friendship! Alex, to me, is someone that really belongs everywhere! He can spark up a conversation with almost anyone, and humour is a big part of his game, hence I wanted Alex on the podcast…         ...Read More
A First for Everything (6/20/2017) - Welcome to my very first blog post! Wow, after months of talking about it, it's finally here. The Shiv Show podcast and The Shiv Show blog has officially been launched! I'm #blessed and I can feel it! I won't repeat who I am or what my story is (because you can read the 'My Story' section on, but I…         ...Read More